Have a slick office you want to show off?
Keen to get your name and roles out to the tech community?
We're always on the look out for great complaies to host or sponsor our events so please reach out.
I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.

Adrian Booth
Software Developer
Samantha held a very worthwhile event in January that allowed me to land my first job as a developer. The event (Find a Tech Job in London) was a very easy and efficient way to meet companies and a fantastic approach to job seeking. I commend Samantha for her role in organising this event.

Durga Krishnan
Developer at Sky
The 'Find a tech job in London' meetups organised by Samantha is a great event for job seekers and employers. I attended one of these meetups and landed in my dream job! If not for this meetup, I wouldn't have even known about the opportunity. So big thanks to Samantha.

Christine MacKay
CEO of Salamandra Design & Digital
Samantha's clever and slick set up at Find a Tech Job (FATJ) helped us identify and employ a Web Designer within 24 hours of attending the meet up - this after posting the vacancy on various platforms.
What a difference it makes to have a professional (non-commercial) set up with face to face interaction between willing employers and excited and available candidates! Hats off Sam, keep up the good work!!

Matt Rogers
Director at Aroxo
Thanks to Samantha's excellent group FATJIL we managed to find and hire a great guys. Thanks Samantha for committing your free time and energy to running such a great event!